Brabham BT42

Os outros modelos
Desenhista :
Gordon Murray
Motore :
Grandes Prémios
n Ano Grande Prémio Cavalariça N° Piloto Motore Pneu Grelha Corrida 
11973EspanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd17FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear1210 
1973EspanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd18REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear15abTransmissão
21973BélgicaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear7abMotor
1973BélgicaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear19abMotor
31973MónacoMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear19abCaixa de velocidades
1973MónacoMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear911Alimentação
41973SuéciaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear54 
1973SuéciaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear13abAcidente
51973FrançaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear83 
1973FrançaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear1916Alimentação
61973Grã-BretanhaCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9De ADAMICH AndreaFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear20abChoque em série
1973Grã-BretanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear86 
1973Grã-BretanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear13abCondução de óleo
71973Países BaixosMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear5abAcidente
1973Países BaixosMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear13abAcidente
81973AlemanhaCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9STOMMELEN RolfFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear1611 
1973AlemanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear6abMotor
1973AlemanhaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear135 
91973ÁustriaCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9STOMMELEN RolfFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear17abRolamento de roda
1973ÁustriaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear54 
1973ÁustriaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear16abAlimentação
101973ItáliaCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9STOMMELEN RolfFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear912 
1973ItáliaMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear106 
1973ItáliaMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear16abTravões
111973CanadáCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9STOMMELEN RolfFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear1812 
1973CanadáMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear48 
1973CanadáMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear1011 
121973Estados UnidosCeramica Pagnossin Team MRD9WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear24abMotor
1973Estados UnidosMotor Racing Developments Ltd10REUTEMANN CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear23 
1973Estados UnidosMotor Racing Developments Ltd11FITTIPALDI WilsonFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear25nc 
131974ArgentinaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone2012 
141974BrasilJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone15abEmbreagem
151974África do SulJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone13abCondução de gasolina
161974EspanhaScuderia Finotto25MOSER SilvioFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fFerido
1974EspanhaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone1511 
171974BélgicaScuderia Finotto25MOSER SilvioFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fFerido
1974BélgicaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone1911 
1974BélgicaMotor Racing Developments Ltd34PILETTE TeddyFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear2717 
1974BélgicaScuderia Finotto43LARROUSSE GérardFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone28abPneu
181974MónacoJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone236 
191974SuéciaScuderia Finotto25LARROUSSE GérardFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fAutomóvel indisponible
1974SuéciaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone1411 
201974Países BaixosJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone137 
211974FrançaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone1416 
1974FrançaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon34PACE CarlosFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone nq 
1974FrançaScuderia Finotto43LARROUSSE GérardFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone nq 
221974Grã-BretanhaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone1311 
1974Grã-BretanhaScuderia Finotto41SUTCLIFFE AndyFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fNão participação
1974Grã-BretanhaAllied Polymer Group208LOMBARDI LellaFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear nq 
231974AlemanhaJohn Goldie Racing with Hexagon28WATSON JohnFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone14abSaída de pista
1974AlemanhaScuderia Finotto29MOHR ManfredFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fNão participação
241974ÁustriaScuderia Finotto32KOINIGG HelmuthFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone nq 
251974ItáliaScuderia Finotto31FACETTI CarloFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone nq 
1974ItáliaScuderia Finotto32LAFOSSE Jean-LouisFord Cosworth DFV V8Firestone fNão participação
1974ItáliaChequered Flag35ASHLEY IanFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear fNão participação
261974CanadáChequered Flag42ASHLEY IanFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear nq 
1974CanadáTeam Canada F1 Racing50WIETZES EppieFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear26abTransmissão
271974Estados UnidosChequered Flag42ASHLEY IanFord Cosworth DFV V8Goodyear nq